
What do you call a man with no shins? Tony

It was finally time to start recording all the different conversations and discussions I have with various people.

Usually, the topics on which I do have something to contribute can be categorized under the topics in the title of this website- AI, Python, and Blackjack. Actually not true, but let's be fair- it's catchy. And an argument can be made that most topics can broadly be forced into these topics anyway. For the last 20% that love causing chaos- eh, we'll play it by the ear.

Broadly though, I intend to structure discussions as follows-

1. AI- Anything to do with Artificial Intelligence. I am, first and foremost an AI professional, so AI gets first dibs. So this section will have anything between recent trends, upcoming research, exciting demos- anything between AlphaStar and Skynet

2. Python- Probably a better header would be tech, but my philosophy is try to approach everything tech with python. Incidentally, this website is created, maintained and managed through python too. At the time of writing this, I am planning to have an article with step-by-step instructions on how you can set up your own website using python and github

3. Blackjack- Fun and games. All games, not just Blackjack. I just included Blackjack because I was fiddling with casino chips while trying to come up a name for this page, so Blackjack was it. Why Blackjack and not Poker you ask? Poker involves other people, Blackjack is purely between you and the dealer. It's the perfect way to get lost in a casino if you want some alone time. I should include a general warning here- I am in no way encouraging gambling, and urge everyone to use their best judgement when it comes to spending at a casino. Back on topic though, this section can include anything from Blackjack strategy, chess puzzles, interesting math problems, or even the latest video game that has caught my attention

I will try to post and update as much as I can. I have a list of topics in mind, and a lot to say about those topics, so sit back and I hope you enjoy the ride.
